
sl. No Description Status
1 About Us Content .
2 Home Page Images (Size: 1920 x 800px), Image Caption and Description: 3 Nos. .
3 Membership Benefits .
4 TOPA Achievements List and a description image (Size: 710 x 280px) for each achievement .
5 Executive Council team details. Photo, Name, Designation, contact details, social network details and if any other which TOPA team would like to display .
6 Photo Gallery Images (Gallery name, description and photos list under gallery) .
7 List of TOPA press covereges along with source of news (both digital media and print media) .
8 Defaulted customers list structure. Need to finalize the info we will present in website like Name of the company, person, Printer requested for block list etc) .
9 Blog articles if any suggested by TOPA executive council team .
10 TOPA Members list. Need to finalize the procedure on encouraging users to get into the system .
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